Choosing The Right GFIT Class
Do you ever find yourself wandering around the gym feeling unsure about what you should be doing? GHF has the perfect solution to your problem.
The GRIGHT, GFIT and GMAXX classes are the perfect addition for those who are looking for some extra assistance, extra accountability or some extra results. Including 25 classes per week with our personal trainers, you can maximise your fitness with an array of classes with different focuses.
So, which one should you try first?
Who It’s For
If you’re new to the gym, or you don’t have much experience outside of the cardio machines, GRIGHT is the class for you. It’s ideal for beginners as it’s all about focusing on technique and getting the movements right before you move on to weighted exercises, or the more difficult classes like GMAXX.
What It Involves
GRIGHT is a combination of bodyweight exercises and exercises using the pin-loaded machines. Our trainers will work with you to ensure that you’re developing perfect form with each exercise, so that you can feel confident when you hit the gym on your own or in a class using weights like GMAXX or Pump. Expect periods of work and periods of rest, but at a low intensity so you can focus on form rather than improving your cardio fitness.
Who It’s For
GFIT is for you if you want to work hard! It’s perfect if you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular fitness and want a high intensity session to maximise your results. This is a great choice for anyone who wants to fit a quick, intense, 30 minute workout into their busy day.
What It Involves
You can expect a quick session that makes you sweat, with a combination of both HIIT body weight and weighted exercises. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, speed and endurance through a work/rest pattern of training. We’ve incorporated some weighted exercises to ensure that you’re getting the maximum benefits from your workout, so that you can start seeing results in no time.
Who It’s For
GMAXX is for you if you want to focus on strength training. Traditionally, you could only work lifting heavy with a personal trainer or solo in the gym, so we wanted to change that for people who enjoy the small group environment or need a bit of a hand. You must have correct form, so if you’re not confident with the weights yet, try out a GRIGHT class first.
What It Involves
This class is all about lifting heavy! You can expect heavy weights, less reps and more rest time, and it’s perfect if you have strength-based goals. This class format will help to increase your muscle mass, get stronger and build lean muscle.
How Do I Get Started?
The entire GFIT timetable, including all different types of classes, is exclusively available at Glenorchy Health and Fitness. Each class runs for 30 minutes, so that you can fit it into your busy schedule, and classes are capped at 10 people to ensure personalised attention from our trainers.
You can add the entire premium GFIT timetable to your membership for only an extra $3 per week – that’s less than a cup of coffee! As well as GRIGHT, GFIT and GMAXX, you’ll get a whole heap of other great classes like Booty, Bosu, Boxing and Sliders. There are 25 classes per week so you have plenty of choice to find one that suits you. If you’re not sure whether these classes are for you, book in a free class to try it out before you sign up.
If you’re interested in taking your training to the next level, see reception or contact them on 03 6272 4849 or to add the premium GFIT timetable to your membership now.